3D scanning agency in Grenoble

A local, responsive and fast partner for your projects in Rhône-Alpes

Benefit from rapid 3D scanning interventions (up to 12,000 m² per day) to produce the supports for your projects.

Start my project


Opt for a survey protocol aligned with your specifications, combining the best 3D scanning solutions (static, dynamic and drones) on the market.



To reduce the duration of the survey and the potential disruption of your building, we are deploying dynamic 3D scannersS, making it possible to raise up to 12,000 m² per day.

local partner

Local partner

Collaborate with a local contact person to gain in response responsiveness and flexibility.

Your digitization projects

digitization projects

Uncompromising operations

To meet the specificities of your project, we select and take advantage of best market survey solutions (drones, static scanners and mobile scanners).

Thus, the complete survey of your buildings is sent in perfect alignment with your specifications, without compromising between precision and speed of capture.

Responsiveness, speed and precision

My Digital Buildings deploys a national 3D scanning network, with an agency based in grenoble.

In this way, we want to offer our customers a local contact person to deal with their projects as soon as possible in the region. Rhône-Alpes.

Lyon agency
A single statement : the possibility of obtaining 
additional deliverables

On the basis of a single survey, we collect the data necessary to produce several complementary deliverables for your projects.

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Projets réalisés par nos équipes

6 M

m² de relevés effectués


Agences en France et à l'international

Raphaël Piffaut


Surveying technician With a background, Raphaël specialized in the field of building digitization.

Supporting Benjamin on operational planning, and field acquisition manager, Raphaël is involved in several phases of the projects addressed by My Digital Buildings.

Benjamin Mehamedi


Resulting from a background ofCivil Engineer A graduate of the Specialized BIM Master from CESI, Benjamin is in charge of the organization of operations within MDB.

From defining the survey protocol, to monitoring the production of deliverables, Benjamin ensures the smooth running of projects.

Lucas Chevalier


Surveyor technician and holder of the GEO 3D Professional License recognized in the field of LiDAR acquisition, Lucas is therefore a real purist of 3D scanning.

On the ground, Lucas is 3D acquisition manager for static and mobile scanners, and also ensures the georeferencing of projects.

The course of our interventions

Intervention process
Study of your project
Understanding your needs, uses, and studying the buildings concerned by your project.
Framing of expected deliverables
Common framing of expected deliverables, to ensure that they are aligned with your objectives and uses.
Definition of the survey protocol
We select the most suitable survey solutions for your project (static and dynamic scanners, drones, total station).
Survey intervention
3D scanning operation on site, following the protocol established to minimize the disruption of your operation.
Post-processing of captured data
Calculation, cleaning and assembly of point clouds and various data collected on site.
Production of deliverables
Creation of deliverables (2D plans; 3D/BIM model; virtual visit; point cloud) according to the specifications.

They trust us

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Let's get in touch

Do you want to know more about our solutions or ask us about a project? Contact us!


39 Old Oak Road
38240 Meylan

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